Basic Java Programming Language for Kids
Will be teaching basic computer science with Java programming language for kids starting June 3rd in Arcadia
- Total 6 weeks (12 classes)
- Weekly two classes with 1 hour each or can do 2 hours in one class.
- Cover Basics of Computer Science
- Java Programming Language
- Weekly 2 assignments
- Fees $7 per hour class
- Students have to get their own laptop (avoid chrome books or tablets)
- Students minimum age is 12 years (Students with less than 12 can start with Python)
Table of Contents
- What is Java Programming Language?
- Hello World
- Variables and Data Types
- Basic Operations like Addition/Subtraction/Multiplication/Division
- Classes, Methods, Packages
- String, StringBuilder
- OOPs Concepts
- Conditions
- Java Collections (Arrays, List)
- Loops
- Maps
- File IO
- Exception Handling
- Calculator Project
If you are interested or have any questions, send me an email to with your name and contact number.
Guest 2019-12-02 08:51:24
Is there a class starting in Dec 2019?